Typosquatting Notice

Protect yourself against scams

Scams are an unfortunate reality in the digital services world. We’ve noticed an increase in fraudulent activity involving typosquatted domains imitating DEPT® to send fake communications. If you have any doubts or concerns about a possible scam, please reach out to us directly at security@deptagency.com.

At DEPT®, protecting our brand and your trust is a top priority. We want to emphasize the following:

Legitimate DEPT® websites include:

Email Addresses

We only communicate using official DEPT® email addresses (e.g., email @deptagency.com, @hellomonday.com, @studiodumbar.com). Any email address outside of these could be fraudulent.


DEPT® is exclusively focused on providing digital services related to tech and marketing. We do not engage in any financial transactions, whether traditional or involving cryptocurrency. Please double-check any domain or website before sharing personal information and/or making a purchase.

Stay safe

If you suspect fraudulent activity or have been targeted by a scam, we urge you to report it to the appropriate authorities. DEPT® is fully committed to cooperating with investigations and supporting efforts to combat online fraud.

Your trust matters to us. Stay safe, stay informed, and let’s work together to keep scams at bay.