Google Kids Space

Designing the Kids Space universe


Imagine a world where ordinary rules don’t apply, and expectations is just a word that’s hard to spell. Where, with every turn, there is something new to discover and where your toaster could suddenly become a rocketship. Welcome to Google Kids Space – an OS that offers personalised age-appropriate and educator-vetted collection of digital content for kids.

A brand system for Kids Space

Over the past three years, HELLO MONDAY/DEPT® has worked closely with Google to create the entire brand system for the Kids Space experience.

From defining the overarching TOV and personality of the OS, to establishing a visual language that we applied across all key screens and UI elements, including an extensive illustration library for Avatar customisation, home stream backgrounds and content cards.

Google Kids Space provides a safe and enriching environment for children to interact with technology. Through surprise moments and interest-driven content, the OS inspires kids to become curious explorers of the things they are passionate about.


Home Navigation

A playful set of reactive icons that help to navigate to the different categories: Home, Read, Watch, Play and Make:


Interest picker

Interest icons used in onboarding allow kids to filter content for a more tailored experience:


The sky’s the limit

When you nurture a child’s imagination and spark curiosity, there is no limit to their aspirations; imagine if those kids end up in space because we taught them about it!


Founding Partner, HELLO MONDAY/DEPT®

Anders Jessen

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