2023 Growth Marketing Report

For the 2023 Growth Marketing Report, DEPT® surveyed 450 senior marketing professionals from companies ranging from $100 million in revenue to over $1 billion to present the most comprehensive view of how marketers harness the potential of growth marketing, offering invaluable insights, rankings from respondents, and an in-depth analysis of the implications for growth marketing maturity across three industries.

Prepare to uncover valuable insights, benchmark your progress against competitors, and explore real-world examples that reveal the importance of investing in growth drivers. It’s time to plan ahead and work smarter–not harder–to propel your brand toward sustainable long-term growth.

With our 2023 Growth Marketing Report, you’ll discover:

– How the current landscape is forcing brands to quickly adapt to evolving consumer preferences and behaviours.

– An in-depth, comprehensive snapshot of the marketing activities being invested in and divested in for 2023–empowering you to make more informed decisions to drive your brand’s success.

– A detailed breakdown of industry-specific marketing budgets that reveal how you stack up against your competitors with similar financial resources.

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