
Make your move with an older generation of influencers 

Retirement house influencers

Working alongside four influential “granfluencers,” DEPT® helped Opendoor reach millions of users on Instagram and TikTok with a simple message: Make Your Move. 

Speaking across generations 

Opendoor is a real estate disruptor, letting homeowners buy and sell their homes without the hassle of the traditional real estate process. 

The Opendoor marketing team wanted a social campaign to generate buzz and reach new audiences. With a positive message around taking chances and making moves, they sought to position their brand as authentic, joyful, and influential. 

With that north star to guide us, we set three goals with Opendoor:

  • Connect the generations. From Baby Boomers to Millennials (and even Gen Z), we tapped into the influencer’s audiences and let their voices shine.
  • Start a conversation. By highlighting stories and advice from older generations, viewers were inspired to make bold moves.
  • Tell a story. All content was thoughtfully captured to be engaging, with a simple but impactful story.

The rising popularity of influencers over the age of 55 (aptly named “granfluencers”), coincided perfectly with Opendoor’s goals of reaching this audience. This is why we immediately loved the idea of featuring granfluencer’s incredible stories about taking chances and making moves. Their unique perspectives could inspire future move-makers of all generations, empowering them to make their move hassle-free with Opendoor. 

We worked with our cast of four granfluencers to share their authentic stories with themes around simplifying life and embracing the new. 

Whether they’d sold or bought a house with Opendoor or not, our cast had unique stories and advice to pass on to a younger generation.

We cast @RetirementHouse as our comedians

Retirement House is run by creators Adi Azran and Brandon Chase. They perform scripted sketches, parodying content houses to illuminate the gaps and comedic misunderstandings between generations. 

We collaborated with Retirement House to give a home tour while they discussed their reason for moving: to reinvent themselves as influencers! 

Retirement House’s advice: Keep it simple, silly!

We cast @Colleen_Heidemann as our beauty rebel

Colleen Heidemann entered the beauty world at 69, shattering stereotypes about aging and beauty. She was recently interviewed for Vogue Japan and is one of the most popular influencers for beauty lovers. 

We partnered with her to tell her authentic story of a late-in-life career change. She shared words of encouragement to our audience that it’s never too late to make a move (and how Opendoor makes it easier than ever.)

Colleen’s advice: Don’t ever let a number define who you are!

We cast @TingMyStyle as our thoughtful poet

As Ting Ma aged, the stairs in her home became a challenge. She decided to make a big jump and transition from her spacious family home into city apartment life, fully embracing the perks of her new lifestyle. 

We partnered with Ting for her soulful scripts, reflective captions, and her ability to authentically share her heart through her writing about her moves to make life easier after a knee injury.

Ting’s advice: Opendoor can confidently help you step into the next chapter of your life.

We cast Sharron (@ArrayOfFaces) as our visual storyteller

One of Sharron’s largest moves she made in her life was her fitness journey! Wanting to keep up with her adult sons, she made a lifestyle change and encouraged people to embrace life changes of their own–with the support of Opendoor.

Sharron’s advice: get out there and do it… it’s never too late to lead the life you want!


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Need some fresh perspectives? Explore influencer marketing services from DEPT®.


SVP of Growth & Head of UKI

Ali Mcclintock

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