Johnson Matthey

A site rebuild for the leaders in eco tech

With a revenue in excess of £14.2 billion, Johnson Matthey (JM) is a global leader in sustainable technologies. JM has been a leader in its field for over 200 years, applying unrivalled scientific expertise to enable cleaner air, improved health, and the more efficient use of our planet’s natural resources.

Digital transformation

JM’s focus has always been to work closely with its customers and develop tailored solutions for them. As traffic to its website organically increased over the years, JM realised a need to futurise its digital presence. DEPT® was chosen by JM to assist with digital transformation, starting with a rebuild of the website. DEPT® was tasked with the design and build of a new, visually engaging site, centralised onto a new content management system, Sitecore.

The build for the website was exclusively implemented by DEPT® including UX design, front and back end development, quality assurance, hosting setup and digital operations support.

Embracing digital agility to create advantage

Merging onto one global platform

With operations in over 30 markets and many websites offering multiple products and services, JM’s digital estate was decentralised and disparate. With a business focus on adopting a digital-first approach, a centralised content management system for all of their products, services, markets and languages was needed.

The main goal of this stage of the digital roadmap was to merge all websites onto one global platform with a customer-centric approach, while reinforcing the brand message throughout the website.

Selecting the right technology platform

The Sitecore Experience Platform has the ability to host multiple websites and centralise multi-language brand sites onto a single platform, so was an ideal technology fit for JM’s needs.

DEPT® conducted a Sitecore audit to provide expert insight on the functionality available, and how best to utilise the features. With Sitecore, JM is able to create powerful personalisation options, gather insightful customer intelligence and analytics, save time with its easy to use in-page content editor, and maximise the conversion improvements from A/B testing.

As Gold partners, DEPT®’s large team of developers have a wealth of experience to help JM maximise the benefits of the Sitecore Experience Platform.

A personalised experience

During DEPT®’s initial analysis of the sites, it became clear that it was very difficult for JM to identify and differentiate the user groups. As such, all users are being treated the same and JM was unable to serve relevant content based on their intent.

With that in mind, the site has been built with future personalisation in mind. During future phases of the digital roadmap, the plan is to create multiple versions of templates based on key personas. This will enable JM to serve alternated versions of the site to returning visitors who match specific persona behaviour. For example, a user who has visited the careers page will be shown the latest job vacancies on their return to the site. Personalisation will need to be scalable and extensible, so that JM can learn more about the visitor’s profile and needs during each visit to help further personalise the messaging.

Ongoing support from DOS

DEPT®’s DOS (Digital Operations Support) team works with Johnson Matthey on a daily basis to ensure that its site is consistently monitored, maintained and improved.  The DOS team ensures that the site is always operational, and undertake small projects and functional improvements that require a quick turnaround. For example, when the DOS team took over the maintenance of the site, their main focus was on improving SEO. They worked tirelessly on over 10,000 redirects from 7 different websites in the space of just three months.

The DOS team enables quick results. For any improvements or updates, deployment to the live environment takes no more than two hours. By partnering with DEPT® in this way, JM is able to save time, money and resource on lengthy development cycles.

A digital-future

The website rebuild was a huge success. The centralised CMS has provided JM with more control of its digital presence, and the new site has increased brand exposure and awareness of it products and services.

JM treated digital delivery as a requirement for the business and understood that its people and processes were key throughout the transformation. Most of all, it recognised the need for digital growth. DEPT® continues to support and maintain a strong connection with Johnson Matthey in a seamless, well-organised and effortless relationship.


Managing Director UK

Brian Robinson

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