Debugging the Sales Funnel with Amazon Brand Analytics Dashboards

Kristen Bryk
Kristen Bryk
Content Marketing Manager
9 min read
3 May 2022

Curious about what keywords shoppers are using to find your products? Want to know how you can use this information to increase your share of keywords and drive your sales on Amazon? Amazon Brand Analytics offers registered sellers the opportunity to access valuable insights into their product portfolio and the Search Analytics Dashboards provide these insights in a new and improved way.

Sellers are facing 3 major challenges when it comes to portfolio insights: How do I find out how customers are finding my products? What exactly did a customer search for that led them to my product? And how do I know if a shopper was presented with my product and rejected it, or if they simply were not shown my product with their search query?

Made up of the Query Performance Dashboard and the Search Query Dashboard, the Amazon Search Analytics Dashboards are available for eligible sellers in Seller Central. They help sellers address these challenges by allowing them to:

  • Understand how customers search for products
  • Diagnose sales funnel problems to debug issues

The Dashboards

The Query Performance Dashboard addresses the challenge of determining how customers are finding products by showing sellers an overview of shopper demand. With this dashboard, the seller is able to determine which search terms performed the best in terms of query volume, impressions and clicks for a specific product. Additionally, sellers can see how the above metrics led to cart adds and purchases and determine their brand’s share of these search terms.

The Query Performance Dashboard is all about search terms, with each individual row of the table representing the performance of an individual search term. Sellers are able to look at search terms for an individual product, or for their entire brand and can also evaluate if they are rather dominating a niche search term or commanding a small share of a more popular search term.

The Brand Catalog Performance dashboard provides information about the performance of all products irrespective of a particular search term. Sellers can use this dashboard to determine if customers were presented with their products. They can then take a look at metrics such as clicks, cart adds and purchases to determine the degree of engagement shoppers have with their products.

For the most complete overview, sellers can start by looking at search traffic through the Brand Catalog Dashboard and then examine it in more detail with the Search Query Dashboard.

Customer Demand

Understanding what customers are searching for is a great way to get an overview of the market as a whole, and therefore determine how your products compare to others. The Query Performance Dashboard provides an excellent overview of the search queries that customers are using, how often they use certain terms and how they engage with the search results. This dashboard also offers sellers a valuable look at their share of search results engagement.

Now, for the first time ever, sellers are able to access exactly what queries led customers to their products and look at these queries not only at the broad level but also at the single ASIN level. In this dashboard, sellers can view metrics for every single product in their portfolio and can also select specific time ranges, to narrow the search.

A query is a combination of one or more search terms that customers are using to find products and each row of the dashboard shows a query at grain level. A look at the top search queries related to a certain category is a good way to gauge the most popular search terms in a given market, which is a great indicator for strategic insights.

The dashboard is sorted by query rank and, while most brands have an average of several hundred queries, the total number of queries in the dashboard varies based on the catalogue size.

Keep in mind: you can only explore the query performance of products that are associated with your brand.

Key Metrics and How to Leverage Them

Query Volume

The number of times a query was searched during a one-week time period. *The same query by the same customer in one 24-hour period counts for just one query. This metric can help brands allocate resources based on volume.

Search impressions

Number of ASINs impressed for that query. An ASIN is impressed when it shows on the search results page *both organic and sponsored. This metric provides an overview of the competitive landscape and allows sellers to look at the terms shoppers are using. This can help them enhance their products or launch new products where there is an under-served demand.

It is important for sellers to be aware of what customers are searching for in general, so they can adjust to meet shopper interest. However, it is also valuable for sellers to understand how these metrics apply to their brand and can affect their performance.

Understanding the customer demand signals that are specific to one’s brand answers the question of what queries are leading customers to my products. These metrics can help sellers build strong and specific marketing and sales strategies with actual data about their customers.

You can customize the columns in the dashboard to add the metrics that are relevant to your business. These can include, price, shipping speed and average reviews.

Impressions share

It shows how well your products are doing in comparison to your competitors.

Click share

Percentage of clicks on your products relative to the amount they were eligible to receive (this, along with a share of cart adds and purchases provides an overview of customer engagement with your products)

These metrics indicate not only how brands are performing, but also where they have room to grow. This is extremely valuable in helping sellers develop effective growth strategies. For example, a brand can choose to follow a small pond strategy, working to gain a share of very niche keywords, or rather a big ocean strategy, where they focus on extremely popular, albeit highly competitive, search terms. Every brand is different, so choosing a strategy that works for your product portfolio is key.

Keyword Strategies

The dashboard includes not only the most popular queries, or head queries, but also the tail-end queries, which gives sellers an advantage in the increasingly competitive opportunity environment. This helps brands see where they are performing well, but also spot new opportunities in unmet customer demands.

Taking a look at queries in terms of the shopper’s intent can help sellers develop an effective keyword strategy.

Using the Amazon Brand Analytics dashboards will help sellers to unlock their shoppers’ intent using data that was previously inaccessible. They can determine which search terms their customers are using and look at which queries are important for their brand. From this data, sellers can determine both the terms that make the most sense for their products and where they can achieve the most visibility.

If a seller is seeing low conversion, these dashboards can help them determine whether their products are not visible or if they are just showing up in irrelevant search query results. This can lead to investment towards increasing impressions.

The dashboards can also help a seller determine if shoppers are coming to their product detail page but not buying. This information will show them that their product information is either not detailed enough, or does not align with the associated search queries. This can lead sellers to invest in reworking their product detail pages in order to convert interested shoppers.

Product Performance

The Brand Catalog Performance Dashboard helps sellers to debug the sales funnel. They can use this tool to solve the issue of not knowing whether customers were presented with their product and rejected it or if they just never found it. Using this dashboard, sellers can take a look at every product in their portfolio and determine where in the funnel customers are either converting or falling off.

Sellers can look at their products one by one and identify those where issues are occurring. They can also observe specific metrics that can help them solve this problem. Impressions show that the product is being shown to customers in the search results. Clicks mean that the product aligns with the customer intent, enough that they want to look a little closer. Of course, a purchase is an ultimate indicator that the customer is interested enough to buy.

If impressions are high, but clicks are low, it is obvious that the product does not align with the customer’s intent in their search. With the Query Dashboard, sellers can then understand why customers are not clicking on a query-by-query basis. This dashboard can help sellers determine on which queries an ASIN is performing well, and therefore determine if they need to update the title or rather invest in different search terms.

Another feature of the Sales Performance dashboard is Deal/badge performance analysis. Sellers can evaluate products with badges (i.e. discount or Bestseller badges) versus those without and determine how these badges affect conversion.

These dashboards provide sellers with data that can help them pinpoint their problem areas and build effective strategies to drive sales. They can be used concurrently to provide a detailed look at their products’ performance in search results.


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Content Marketing Manager

Kristen Bryk