The power of AI in voice search: leveraging conversational content for better results

Molly Deaville
Molly Deaville
Growth Account Director UK
5 min read
25 July 2023

Now, anywhere in the world, a voice assistant can help you bake a cake, find a new winter coat, and even schedule your next oil change. 

In fact, the number of voice assistants is expected to reach 8.4 billion in 2024–more than people in the world. 

More and more consumers have changed their search behaviour by using voice commands in search queries. So if your business wants to show up for these everyday searches, it has to adapt. And the most efficient way to start is through AI-generated content for voice search optimisation.

By analysing the patterns and language used in voice search queries, AI can create coherent and contextually relevant content that resonates with users and increases the chances of appearing in relevant voice search results. 

Apart from being aligned with your brand voice, this content can also be personalised, scalable, and cost-effective. This allows you to remain visible, stay ahead of the competition, and connect with your customers in a more meaningful way.

How AI-generated content optimises voice search

Understanding context 

One of the key improvements that AI has brought to voice search is the ability to understand the context of a conversation. Imagine asking “Who won last year’s World Cup?” and then, “Who was the top scorer?” By combining these two queries, an AI voice assistant can easily provide the correct answer without specifying the context of the second one. 

Conversational voice search queries 

Unlike traditional text search, voice search queries are more conversational and natural. Users often formulate their queries as complete questions or statements. 

By combining the patterns and language used in voice search queries, AI algorithms can generate content that matches the conversational nature of voice search.

Long-tail keywords identification

Long-tail keywords are more specific and conversational in nature, reflecting the way people speak in voice queries. 

By analysing huge amounts of data and user patterns, AI generates a list of long-tail keywords that are most likely to be effective for voice search optimisation.

Natural language generation

Natural language generation (NLG) algorithms create content that mimics human speech and maintains a conversational tone. 

This helps optimise the content of your website and other digital resources to match the natural language used in voice search. As a result, you have a better chance of appearing in relevant voice search results.

Structured data markup

Structured data markup, also known as schema markup, provides search engines with additional context about the content of a web page. This helps search engines better understand content and present it more effectively in search results. 

AI algorithms create appropriate structured data markup for web pages, ensuring that the information is well-organised and easily understood by search engines and voice assistants.

Optimisation for local search

AI-generated content helps you incorporate local keywords, addresses, and other location information into your website content. This ensures that when users make local voice searches, your business information is relevant and visible in the search results.

AI integration best practices

To maximise the effectiveness of integrating AI-generated content into your voice search optimisation strategy, you should follow these steps:

1. Identify the search behaviour of your target audience

It’s important to be able to predict the types of queries your target audience might ask during voice searches. This will help you create content that resonates with them and speaks their natural language.

2. Check the accuracy of the content

Artificial intelligence is still artificial, so it’s important to check the relevance and accuracy of the content it creates. The absence of any minor mistakes can make a big difference in the quality of the user experience you provide.

3. Implement transparency

Be sure to let your users know that you are using AI to create content. This will help them build a trusting relationship with your brand and significantly increase reputational perception.

4. Monitor and update content regularly

AI is constantly evolving, and so should you. Only constant monitoring of your existing content will ensure that it is not outdated, always meets the needs of your audience, and is well-optimised for search. 

While AI-generated content is beneficial in many ways for your voice search optimisation, it also requires you to be on guard of best practices, updates, and new technologies.    

By keeping up with the development of AI and adapting your voice search on the go, you can create highly effective marketing campaigns, improve your rankings and user experience, and increase sales accordingly.


Growth Account Director UK

Molly Deaville

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