
Take off to the cloud: website migration to Adobe Experience Manager

Swiss company Edelweiss Air AG, part of the Lufthansa Group, was faced with the challenge of replacing its legacy content management system (CMS).

By migrating the website to Adobe Experience Manager in the Cloud (AEM), DEPT® helped their team find a CX solution to lay the foundation for growth and innovation.

A necessary migration

Throughout Edelweiss Air and DEPT®’s relationship, we’ve achieved many milestones, including launching a booking platform, UI redesigns, and developing an online strategy.

When Edelweiss’s CMS reached “end of support” in 2023, a migration project was necessary. The migration’s biggest challenge was transferring the existing content and front-end components to AEM as 1:1 as possible.

Numerous lists, forms, and flight information from external data sources needed to be re-implemented. Despite these complex changes, we managed to maintain Lighthouse and Google Analytics KPIs.

Our Adobe specialists created around 2,000 pages, using several thousand images, in two languages in just three months.

Look & feel

Based on user data, the current UX/UI was effective, so we decided to retain the design, choosing to refresh UI elements here and there.

To optimize the UX, we completely redesigned mobile navigation and added a country-language switch to the header. The goal was to keep the general look and feel so that users didn’t notice a dramatic UX/UI change.

Dynamic media

Adobe’s Asset Manager with integrated AI helped us manage the website more efficiently. For all images, we were able to crop for different formats automatically, saving the team countless image editing hours.

Well-thought-out structure

In addition to content, URL, and DAM analysis, we also revamped their SEO.

A new tracking concept for GA4 was implemented to better understand users’ interactions with the website. And the entire website was converted to multi-country, multi-language to allow for future expansion into new markets.

SEO-optimized pages can now be rolled out in different languages for different countries quickly via a master template.

The foundations for growth

Thanks to the successful migration to AEM in March 2023, Edelweiss Air can continue its internationalisation process.

The collaboration between Edelweiss Air and DEPT®, involving teams in various locations, including the Netherlands, North Macedonia, India, and Switzerland, successfully updated the dated infrastructure and gave the team a modern CMS to grow with.


Senior Consultant

Daniel Vuilleumier

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