Just Eat Takeaway.com

Did somebody say… Katy Perry?

Just Eat first launched its now famous tagline ‘Did somebody say…’ back in 2019, with a widely applauded brand campaign targeted across Europe. It raised the game a year later, collaborating with Snoop Dogg to put the brand firmly on the cultural map and secured the brand sonic a place in everyday language. 

Fast forward to 2022, following a merger to become Just Eat Takeaway.com (JET), the leading online food delivery marketplace had the opportunity to take ‘Did somebody say’ global for the first. time. ever. 

Enlisting pop sensation Katy Perry as the new face of the campaign, it wanted to spread joy across 17 markets in 21 different languages.

DEPT® was appointed as the lead digital agency to extend its iconic TV commercial into online and social channels, helping to cement ‘Did somebody say…’ as a ubiquitous slogan around the world. 

Fantastical food world

Spreading joy sits at the heart of the refreshed campaign, which celebrates the excitement and anticipation that’s felt when the idea of ordering food is suggested, while highlighting JET’s capability to supply food that satisfies every craving. 

The music video-inspired TV commercial (TVC), created by McCann London, introduced Katy Perry’s fantastical food world, emphasising the huge range of cuisines and meals available on the food delivery app. 

It was DEPT®’s job to translate and extend the “feeling of joy” and “doorbell moments” of Katy’s world into online and social channels, with overarching objectives to: 

01 Increase top of mind awareness (TOMA) globally

02 Increase positive brand sentiment by spreading joy

Setting the strategy

To deliver on the brief, we recognised that digital executions of the campaign had to not just match, but build upon the world created within the TVC, while retaining all of its original joy.

So, we defined three core things our strategy needed to do…

Joy is a feeling, not an identity

In the very first ‘Did somebody say…’ TV ad, the thought of ordering takeaway is triggered by watching television. But that’s only one of many possible triggers to order take out. It can be when something good happens, when something bad happens, or simply when nothing happens. Our strategy needed to lean into the myriad of ways to evoke that “doorbell feeling”, and make JET the synonymous solution for ordering in when those cravings strike. 

17 markets, each with their own challenges

Taking the ‘Did somebody say…’ campaign global for the first time ever presented a series of new challenges. Creating thousands of assets in 21 different languages, for use across multiple platforms, meant we needed a flexible mechanic that could be tailored to local market priorities, in order to efficiently build creative that was platform-first, easily translatable and distinctively JET.

If you eat, then you could be a JET customer

The broad awareness-focused campaign objectives meant that we needed universally relevant creative that appealed to a large majority of the category to help build TOMA, drive positive brand sentiment and, ultimately, spread joy. 

We unpacked the TVC world into different, distinctive brand elements that we could leverage and weave throughout our digital-first creative to maintain consistency:

01 Put the talent, Katy Perry, front and centre
02 Utilise the power of the track, especially for ‘sound on’ environments
03 Dial up the brand sonic ‘Did somebody say…’ to drive recall and fame
04 All situated in an entertaining, ownable world that is distinctive to JET

Knowing we had limited time to capture social content in and around the main TVC recording, we were prepared to react fast, be adaptable, and work to what we knew Katy Perry fans and JET audiences would positively respond to. 

We defined the key creative and production elements that would fuel our ways of working on set in LA, and ensure our content and assets were hyper-relevant to the platforms being utilised: 

01 Minimal narrative, maximum impact
02 Fully immersive point of view and transitions
03 Hypnotising editing techniques
04 Simple messaging, unique platform-first shots
05 Nostalgic and culturally relevant references

Treatful teaser

Our campaign ideas were structured into three core phases: tease; launch; sustain. 

The aim of the tease phase was to drive hype and mystery around Katy Perry’s upcoming collaboration with JET. 

We wanted to keep our audience on their toes and the edge of their seats. We utilised Katy Perry’s fan army to fuel the fire of speculation by leaking a mysterious sneak peek into the collaboration, without giving away too much of the track and TVC. 

Amplify and accelerate

For the launch phase, where we amplified the TVC across all digital channels to drive users to discover the track, we understood that audiences are super savvy. They can tell straight away if they’re being sold to, often within the first second, forcing them to tap or scroll away. 

So our aim was to capture attention first, then share our message. This is where our predefined creative and production elements shone, ensuring distinctiveness and consistency to help increase positive brand sentiment. 

We put the talent front and centre as planned, capturing 10 unique, social-first edits on set; facilitating a clear connection between the TVC and the first phase of the digital and social launch, while bringing JET’s audience closer to the action at Katy’s ‘home’. 

Our aim in sustaining the momentum of the launch was to drive talkability of Katy Perry and the ‘Did somebody say…’ platform, beyond the TVC. 

To further amplify the feeling of joy, we extended the campaign by creating 12 globally relatable, social-first scenarios across a five-day shoot. 

The scenarios depicted more of the everyday possibilities to create “doorbell moments” and drive home the message that JET is the answer to any ordering-in situation; from having too much washing up, to moving house, or simply running out of snacks. 

We also leveraged JET’s AR lens that helped bring the TVC to social in a fun and engaging way, using it to help fuel TikTok remakes of the ad and bringing it to the top of consumers’ minds in an entertaining way.

Fuelling global efficiency

We rolled out thousands of motion and static performance assets and accompanying copy for the global campaign, hero-ing Katy as well as the wide range of cuisines and meals available from JET’s app.

And we delivered a series of broader digital assets including social headers, GIFs for inclusion in CRM, and on-site assets. 

To effectively and efficiently create these in 21 different languages for 17 markets, we leveraged Lightspeed, our proprietary creative automation tool. 

Lightspeed combines a data feed containing all content (footage, images, copy, translations, logos), with a library of AfterEffects and HTML templates built based on the needs of different JET markets. The assets are delivered to our proprietary front end tool, allowing JET’s internal teams across each market to review, feedback on or approve each individual asset. 

Once signed off, Lightspeed plugs into various ad manager APIs, allowing assets to be set up based on the business needs of that market, all in all streamlining the process and enabling us to produce, deliver and launch thousands of creative assets in hours rather than weeks. 

Tasty campaign highlights

‘Did somebody say…’ featuring Katy Perry achieved incredible results across digital channels, driving 1.2 billion impressions globally and achieving above benchmark results across multiple brand lift studies, social listening and in-flight metrics for measures like ad recall, view through rate and message association.

Twitter dominated mentions throughout the whole campaign, accounting for 75% of the total. Sentiment was predominantly positive (59%) with only 13% negative mentions. Highlights included: 


total impressions


total earned impressions


total mentions

Our purpose-built, social-first creative drove conversation and global TOMA on TikTok’s ‘sound on’ environment, gaining an average (and higher than benchmarks) 7.5% uplift in ad recall across all markets, as well as an average 5.6% increase in brand association. 

Brand awareness shifted in most markets, with the Netherlands seeing a particularly high increase of 6.9% and 2.2% in Germany. We also secured an average view through rate of 24.8% across all markets.

To launch our new brand campaign featuring Katy Perry, we felt it was the perfect time to also launch TikTok across multiple markets. We focused on developing creative with DEPT® that we knew would resonate and drive cut-through on a platform like TikTok, putting Katy Perry and our brand front and centre with the perfect sound-on creative. We are really happy to see such impressive results, showing shifts in many different areas across brand association and awareness as well as above benchmark results across multiple different platforms

Richard Burgess, Global Principal for Brand Digital and Social Media at Just Eat Takeaway

On Snapchat, our mix of six second, force view commercials and skippable ads helped to deliver on brand favourability and preference KPIs, and overall performance on the platform exceeded objectives across all markets. 

Germany, a key market for JET, was the hero. When comparing performance against Snapchat averages, we delivered:  

  • 50% message awareness uplift
  • 3x better message awareness (commercials vs typical Snap ads)
  • 4x better brand favourability (commercials and Snap ads combined) 
  • 5x better brand favourability overall

It’s fair to say that with the right balance of strategic, creative, tech and data minds behind it, JET’s first ever global campaign took the digital space by storm.

And DEPT® continues to collaborate with the food delivery brand as its lead digital agency. 

Did somebody say… success?


SVP of Growth & Head of UKI

Ali Mcclintock

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