5 tips to tackle business challenges in times of COVID-19

Brian Robinson
Brian Robinson
Managing Director UK
4 min read
18 March 2020

We all started the week in a completely different world, one which was unimaginable just a few weeks ago. We sincerely hope everyone is healthy and safe, and we urge everyone to do their utmost to protect themselves and thereby society. In these uncertain times companies can leverage both digitalisation and technology to address some disruptions caused by COVID-19 such as supply chain issues and store closures. Also, it’s moments like these that delivering great customer service and e-commerce experiences becomes imperative. At DEPT®, we want to support you by helping you tackle the important challenges that you face today.

Tip 1: stay connected to your customers

Staying in touch with your customers is essential. However, now might not be the best time to be pushing sales. Instead, think about publishing webinars, educational content and tutorials which showcase your brand personality and support your customers. This will keep your brand visibility and brand preference high.

Tip 2: rethink your current campaigns

Advertising campaigns ensure that consumers are aware of your brand, and can recall your products or services. Given that most people will be spending more time on their phone or laptop, now is the time to ensure that your campaigns are in tip-top shape. From optimising your budget split to ensuring the right keywords are in place, we want to help you rethink this important touchpoint.

Tip 3: rethinking brand interaction

This unforeseen turn of events forces brands to reconsider how they interact with their audience. Now is a perfect time to challenge yourself and think of virtual ways to connect with clients and consumers. From a Google Hangout instead of meeting for coffee to a virtual showroom tour, ask yourself how you can offer your physical services online? These solutions fit the current market, but also future proof the business as we enter an increasingly digital-first consumer market.

Tip 4: now is the time to tackle smaller projects

Businesses should also consider their backlog of projects that are yet to be finished. Anything from optimising your backend, to creating better landing pages, to improving your service environment. Now is a good time to tackle these endeavours. Doing so will put the business in a stronger and healthier position as COVID-19 starts to pass. For this reason, we have a team of specialists standing by and ready to help you from a remote site to work on your campaigns, user experience, design, data insights, hosting, security or whatever you might need in the digital domain.

Tip 5: prepare for recovery

At some point, the spread of COVID-19 will start to decrease and national lockdown measures will be relaxed. Markets will enter a recovery stage as we return to normality. This transition period will require the right messaging for your ads, landing pages, homepage and social media.

We are all facing an unpredictable period, and disruption will affect multiple industries. However, long-term campaign planning, based on what stays the same rather than what changes, is still a must. Getting the tone of voice right and establishing effective advertising practices, will still be a driver of business success.

Final thoughts

Everyone is affected by the impact of COVID-19. At DEPT®, we want to play our part by keeping your business healthy and helping you plan for the long-term.

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