Masterclass: Google Marketing Platform

Amir Hermon
Amir Hermon
Head of GMP resellership
2 min read
2 January 2023

In DEPT®’s masterclass series, experts share their knowledge of the latest marketing and technology developments and provide helpful tips and tricks to accelerate and optimise the digitisation of your business.

In this day and age, there are hundreds of marketing tools available. But how do you know which ones will help you meet your objectives? In this masterclass, Amir – Head of Google Marketing Platform (GMP) Resellership, zooms in on choosing the right tools that will enable you to keep an overview of your marketing, automate processes, and lower costs. You’ll get to know what GMP is, its benefits, and when GMP might be the best choice for your organisation.

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Head of GMP resellership

Amir Hermon