Warped mirror image of a face blurred in two halves.

Why can’t the small be big?

Today, about 70% of organizations have begun adopting AI, and the majority of executives are championing it. But most are still playing it safe, moving slowly and focusing on small wins instead of bold moves. The time to move forward is now.

Featured Topics
Accelerating AI transformation | Brand differentiation in the world of AI | The future of AdTech | Evolving search strategies 

Three relaxed people lounging on a pink gingham blanket, with a laptop, notes and headphones.

Why can’t the fixed be fluid? 

A new era of UI and UX is upon us. As consumer expectations evolve faster than ever and the desire for innovative personalized experiences continues to increase, prepare to step outside the box, switch from keywords to key ideas, and embrace the opportunities of conversational interfaces. 

Featured Topics
The changing app interface | The emergence of AI shopping assistants 

White keyboard with wispy green leaves sprouting from it.

Why can’t we start tomorrow today?

To future-proof your brand, focus on what sets you apart. While AI can generate endless possibilities, it can’t be your unique value proposition. Success will be defined by those leveraging AI to amplify the elements of their brand that are already unique—like creative storytelling or top-of-the-line data.

Featured Topics
Racing to a modern data foundation | Ethical AI

A tall yellow and red plant against a dark aqua background.

Why can’t the impossible be possible? 

There are still plenty of question marks around what AI can (and will) accomplish, but one thing is for sure: It will change the world. What that looks like may be a lot to take in, but rest assured there’s a lot to look forward to within our AI-driven future as well.  

Featured Topics
AI in the workforce | How AI is impacting younger generations | AI’s humanitarian promise


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