Live Recruiting – Dev/Tech
Do you want to develop digital products that inspire millions of users and have a positive impact on the world? Then you’ve come to the right place. 🤝
Sign up now for our virtual live recruiting event where you can get to know DEPT® and the people who make our company better!
Why should you attend?
To get a feel for how we work, what the team is like and the exciting clients and projects waiting for you to work on. This time, we are looking to speak to people interested in these open positions:
• React/TypeScript Engineer
• Fullstack Engineer (Architect)
• (Senior) Frontend Developer
How it works
1. Register here and get all further information by email
2. When the event is due to start, click the link in your email invite to join the livestream
3. Two of our Depsters, Ben & Kristin will answer as many of your questions as possible and give you an insight into the working world of Dept
In cooperation with Modis.
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Natalie Martens startet bei DEPT® als VP Clients, Creative & Media, für die DACH-Region und leitet die Kundenberatung

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