
Delivering social engagement for a delivery giant


Best summer ever Enjoying yourself. As great as this is, a summer of dash pass is gonna be even better. No way, Jose, I got this rad CD player and later my sister’s gonna help me do some frosted tips, Right? But in 2023, you get the raddest deals on your favorite summer essentials here. Anyway, I gotta go remember summer of dash pass and I know it’s none my business, but maybe don’t get the frosted Tips. I’m definitely getting the frosted tips.

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  • Brand & Media

As a leading delivery platform, DoorDash opens the door for users to boost their access to local businesses while empowering Dashers with work that is flexible.

By fostering connections between individuals and businesses in this way, DoorDash is literally a Door to More for over 37 million consumers.

Since 2023, DEPT® has been DoorDash’s social creative and media partner, helping the brand conceive, create, and launch tentpole campaign moments and evergreen social that drive meaningful engagement and brand awareness by drawing on the power of relatability and authenticity.


Hey everyone. The kids are going back to school soon, so I thought we could do a little back to school haul. First of all, I got this awesome notebook. I love it because, whoa, that was weird, but I really do need to finish back to school shopping. Hey, Oh my God. Wait, no, we not ready. The school supplies.

Building relatability with consumers

From the beginning of our work together, DoorDash had a history of successful collaborations with popular social media personalities.

Knowing that creator content was an essential part of DoorDash’s overall brand presence, DEPT® and DoorDash decided to explore the value of creator-led sketch and situational content in addition to production content we created in-house or on set.

This strategy informed a series of seasonal tentpole campaigns that aligned with DoorDash’s values and gave their brand a relatable voice that was cohesive across social platforms.

With the Back To School (BTS) tentpole, for example, DoorDash wanted to boost the message that they provided the ultimate all-in-one tool for retail delivery during the BTS shopping season. To lean into the chaos of this season, our creative concepts leaned into “back to school scaries” with a humorous take on that all-too-familiar feeling of dread/anxiety.


Hello. My mom, she’s my rock. Everyone says I’m her mini me. She raised me as a single mom. She’s the kind of mom who sends like a good morning and goodnight text with like funny little gifs. Her life is based around service to her family and her community. I haven’t really been able to go home as much and I haven’t seen her since the summer. It’s been a little over a year now. The last time I saw her was um, November of 2022. Oh my God. Are you serious? No way. Are you? No. Are you being serious? That’s so exciting you guys. Oh, she’s going to be like out of her mind. It’s been a really long, I feel like, four years and to have something like this, it’s so special and so meaningful. So, um, thank you. Okay. It’s going to be delivered. Flowers are here. They’re so beautiful, but they’re also huge. Don’t see ’em on the other side. Here we go, east Coast to this baby. fico. You don’t know, mom, but I’m really excited to see you. My child is my whole world. He’s my baby. I’m really proud of her. First thing in the morning when I’m waking up, I’ll send her a good morning, you know, not having her around and not going to dinner with her or cooking or whatever. Those kinds of things. I miss. And because you went so far, I feel like I somebody’s at my door. Can you hold on, can you hold on one second? I to you that, that’s the door. Let me go through. Oh my God. Oh my God. Happy my sister. My God. You do. You like your pink girl. I love you. You are my rose. I just expecting flowers. All you got them. Maybe the door dash guy would be cute. I don’t know. Tell me. Come know. I’m supposed to tell you. You guys are in trouble. Oh my goodness. Oh.


What? Knock it off. What is it? Gimme the list. Oh my God. What are we gonna freaking do? We got Aunt Carol’s barbecue bash tonight and I, and we can’t miss that. You know, I gotta make a dozen fricking devil eggs. You know? There’s no time to bring you to get school shop supplies is what? If we use DoorDash, it’ll come to the house. It’s all we can do. I need a four pack. Trim the hedges, cut the lawn, feed the dog. Walk the dog. Nobody walks the dog except me nowadays. What’s up with that? It was your dog. My nerves are acting up. I gotta make the eggs. They want my devil’s eggs. They love them. Thank you so much. Everybody calms down. Okay? You’re gonna be fine. Flashcards. I don’t know if you need crayons. They weren’t on your list. I know you’re in high school, but you used to love the purple crayons. You got your cup of frozens college rule notebook. You’re going to be in college soon and it’s gonna break my heart. I’m not sure what these are for. I’m gonna be honest with you, but, okay. I got your fruit snacks for school. Okay? If you’re eating these in the afternoon, you’re never getting ’em again. I’ve got red licorice. This is for me. Okay? I do enough around here. Okay? You’re gonna do great this year. It’s your year. It’s always your year. I love you.


I’m done. I’m done. I quit. I give up. It’s hopeless. Yo, are you good, bro? Nope. I, uh, basically failed my test in school today because somehow I didn’t have a pencil to write with. Oh, well, you know, you can get school supplies delivered to you with the DoorDash student dash pass, right? Really? Yeah. I actually just ordered some stuff today and it’s only 4.99 a month for the student dash pass, so it’s pretty worth it. What? But that’s me. Oh yeah, I know. We didn’t have enough actors to fill that role for this video. Oh, wait, what? Alright, that should be everything. Alright, thank you. See, I got a notebook, this pencil, this pen and a marker. Hey. Hey. What is this? It’s impossible for you to both be in the same frame at once, so this world is false or is it true?

We worked with skit creators like Zachariah Drake Porter and Terrell and Jarius to reminisce on their BTS shopping scrambles, but this time avoiding the chaos with DoorDash. We also partnered with popular internet moms like Caitlin Murray (@bigtimeadulting) and Chancé (@hindirlanefamily) to encourage consumers to let DoorDash handle lunchboxes this semester. And Gen Z Creators introduced College Students to DashPass through the most unhinged college predicaments that brought the scaries to life.

DoorDash Christmas campaign DoorDash Christmas campaign

Driving relevance with authenticity

Building a strategy for campaigns grounded in creator-driven content also gave DoorDash the added edge of authenticity, which is crucial in today’s world for capturing audience attention.

Authenticity was an especially important ingredient in the holiday activation we helped create in celebration of DoorDash’s “Everyday Miracles” platform for their holiday tentpole campaign. To resonate with audiences, we needed to capture the spirit of the holiday season—the true spirit.


Happy holidays. All right, party people. It’s getting cold out there, so it’s time to burn it up in here. It’s the holiday season, baby. And you know what that means? DoorDash’s deck the doorstep savings event is back, and we’re gonna get that stamina ready for those endless deals. Picture Patcher. Order. Order. Order. Mark it. Yes. Extend and order. And order. String up your lights while lighting up your muscles. You can order all day with the power in those thumbs quick. Your order’s at the door now rung. Rung to the door. Amazing tempo. You’re working yet. You’re working. Who’s there? I don’t know who’s there. I’m locked. I’m open. I’m locked. I’m the door. Goodbye. Hello. Hi there. Delivery pens and Snap. Ding D. It’s deals from all your favorite retailers, shall we? Yourself in savings. Good morning. Oh, so Celebr with Hello? Oh, that’s it. That was really easy.

During the holidays, it’s all too easy for brands to advertise their products or services against a cliched, sanctimonious version of what the season represents. That’s why, for “Everyday Miracles,” we wanted to focus on the real experiences and sentiments of consumers during the holidays through influencer content and in-house content creation.

“We wanted our owned content to feel representative of holiday truths. Sometimes you burn the turkey, sometimes you show up to potlucks with a store-bought dish, and sometimes you want to skip events altogether,” said DEPT® Creative Director Ro Otamendi. “We tried to capture that in paid content that’s straightforward and that complements the longer-form storytelling of the TVC and the creator videos.”

Doordash Christmas turkey

To ensure we fully encapsulated the spirit of humor and humanity within the overarching “Everyday Miracles” platform, the owned content that we created in-house supplemented the campaign’s influencer content with captivating portraits, punchy copy, and (of course) plenty of shots of mouth-watering holiday treats.

The holidays can be as stressful as they are delightful. DoorDash wants to help customers focus on the latter and let us help with all the madness. We love how this campaign taps into the authentic ways people really think and live the holidays, and how it all feels so relatable.

DoorDash Representative


Hi, Mother’s Day. Hey babe. Thank you. They’re beautiful. I’ve never sat down and asked you some of these questions. No. How did you feel when I told you I was pregnant? Well, I tend to be a little colorful. That’s just who I am. In your speech. In my speech. But you were excited to be a grandma? A hundred percent. It’s so weird to say that you’re a grandma. I still don’t feel like a mom. I’m a Gigi. Yeah, you’re a Gigi. We don’t use the word grandma around here. What is the funniest thing you’ve seen about me on the internet? I think it’s all pretty funny. I think the funniest thing about me on the internet is nobody actually knows my real last name. K-U-C-H-A-R-C-Z-Y-K. Actually, during graduation from high school, you know, you have to write out how it sounds. Dad looks at me and he goes, that’s not it. I was like, Chark. And he was like, Khartik. I was like, wait, what’s going on? My identity? That’s the Polish way to say it. Yeah. So I just go back cooch at my work. I’ll be on a Zoom call, we’ll see my name and go, are you, are you related to Ali? Allison Cooch. And I’m like, you’re like a senior vice president. And then people will tell me about your life. Like it’s, it’s just an odd sensation, but I’m super proud of you. ‘Cause your content, I think is if I had a 13 or a 12-year-old daughter, you would be content I would allow them to watch. I try to be somebody that I would’ve looked up to. I try to be positive. Well, you’re funny. Thank you. Thanks. What’s your favorite thing I did as a kid? Probably most everything, but I think maybe how silly you were. Mm-Hmm. Like, especially like in the pool. Like the George Washington here. Do you know I can, I can really visualize you like putting your hair wet and flipping it back. Yeah. With the George Washington. What were you like when you were my age? If we were the same age, do you think we’d get along? Well, first of all, I was still single. What? So yeah. So clearly no, we were not doing the same. No. So we would not be hanging out right now. Who is your internet crush? Dan Campbell. Oh. I love Dan Campbell. Football coach. No, I love Dan Campbell. I think he’s objectively attractive. He’s rough. Maybe that’s what, no, no. He is a tough softie. What’s something false I told you as a kid? I feel like you didn’t lie a lot. Let me give you a hint. Uhhuh, I’ll be home in five minutes. Oh my gosh. Yeah. My sense of time. I have no idea what’s going on anymore. No, and I taught you that. Yeah. I remember when I would say to you guys, we’re gonna leave in five minutes. We’d go and get ice cream. And you’d be like, I’m like, oh great. I have time to watch the whole TV show. You would cry. You and your sister and your brother would be like, why do we have to wait five whole minutes? Because you thought five minutes was an hour. What have I taught you about being a mother? I feel like it’s easy to get over consumed by all the rules and the products. There are so many baby products. It’s absolutely insane. You just taught me not to, just to trust myself. I think that you, uh, are doing a fabulous job. I think you were just very natural at it. If you had to choose a flower to describe yourself, what would it be? I would say I’m a gladiola. I have no idea what that is. A gladiolas, that big, tall, won thing. My mom’s favorite flower. I used to get ’em every August. What kind of grandma do you think I am? It’s kind of early on. Emotional, like cuddly, safe space kind of grandma where she can call you up and be like, my mom is being so mean to me. And you’re like, okay, Gigi’s gonna get on a flight. I’m gonna come and see you. You’re gonna take care of her. Cheers. Cheers babe. Happy Mother’s Day. Wow. It’s Mother’s Day. I’m a mother. Cheers to that. And cheers to that.

Connecting with audiences meaningfully

Typically, DoorDash approaches their brand’s tentpole moments from a campaign-first lens as opposed to a social-first one. For their Mother’s Day campaign, however, DoorDash wanted to do something different and drive real connection with real people and the moms in their lives. To accomplish this, we worked together to show how the simple act of flower delivery has the power to bring people together, figuratively and literally. 


My mom, she’s my rock. Everyone says I’m her mini me. She raised me as a single mom. She’s the kind of mom who sends like a good morning and goodnight text with like funny little gifs. Her life is based around service to her family and her community. I haven’t really been able to go home as much and I haven’t seen her since the summer. It’s been a little over a year now. The last time I saw her was um, November of 2022. Oh my God. Are you serious? No way. Are you? No. Are you being serious? That’s so exciting you guys. Oh, she’s going to be like out of her mind. It’s been a really long, I feel like, four years and to have something like this, it’s so special and so meaningful. So, um, thank you. Okay. It’s going to be delivered. Flowers are here. They’re so beautiful, but they’re also huge. Don’t see ’em on the other side. Here we go, east Coast to this baby. fico. You don’t know, mom, but I’m really excited to see you. My child is my whole world. He’s my baby. I’m really proud of her. First thing in the morning when I’m waking up, I’ll send her a good morning, you know, not having her around and not going to dinner with her or cooking or whatever. Those kinds of things. I miss. And because you went so far, I feel like I somebody’s at my door. Can you hold on, can you hold on one second? I to you that, that’s the door. Let me go through. Oh my God. Oh my God. Happy my sister. My God. You do. You like your pink girl. I love you. You are my rose. I just expecting flowers. All you got them. Maybe the door dash guy would be cute. I don’t know. Tell me. Come know. I’m supposed to tell you. You guys are in trouble. Oh my goodness. Oh.

We kicked off the campaign by bringing popular influencers—like Allison Kuch and The Basement Yard—and their moms together to have a conversation about flowers and ended it with an epic, one-of-a-kind stunt that resonated deeply with audiences.

For this part of the campaign, DoorDash orchestrated a series of reunions between four real people and their mothers, who’d been separated due to a variety of circumstances. Each mother was told that they’d be filmed receiving a flower delivery sent by their child, but what they didn’t know was that their children weren’t just sending flowers—they were delivering them as well.

To extend the same feeling of warmth and connection to every consumer, DoorDash also created an AR lens that allows people to connect to the moms in their lives. Whether in person or in separate locations, the lens will prompt you to ask your mom the same questions, getting to know her on a deeper level. 

The impact of the campaign was as rewarding to see as it was to create. Inspired by the social trends around Mother’s Day, the ideas behind the campaign quickly became bigger than social: Spotlighting the universal feeling of human connection and inspiring people everywhere to celebrate it. 

DoorDash Mothers Day campaign DoorDash Mothers Day campaign DoorDash Mothers Day campaign

The power of social that resonates

Across our work with DoorDash, we’ve tapped into relatability and authenticity to drive meaningful brand engagement by relying on a mix of owned and creator content that blends trends and unique insights by focusing on punchy, relatable copy. 

For all owned content, our paid media and creative teams work alongside one another, focusing on delivering quality design and production that looks and feels distinct to the DoorDash brand as well as handling pushes to specific audiences with paid media boosts. 


I am having the best summer ever with you. As magical as this is, the summer of dash pass is gonna get that much better. Exclusive deals, $0 delivery, the whole thing. Do I finally work at that video rental store? Uh, no, but you get this. Wait, we’re still gonna be together, right? I’ll be right by your side, babe. Right? Oh, uh, how about that free drink, huh? Enjoy.

It’s all part of the central goal of the social strategy we’ve created together: Reinforcing that DoorDash is more than just a delivery platform, that they represent a solution for the complexities of modern life, and—ultimately—that they are literally the Door to More for consumers.  

In turn, the tentpole moments and campaigns we’ve created as part of our partnership have regularly earned millions of impressions and engagements, hundreds of thousands of link clicks, and garnered positive sentiment among audiences across social platforms. 


Get in loser. We’re gonna take advantage of amazing summer deals in all your favorite restaurants and stores for summer of dash pass. Let’s go.

DoorDash tweets

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