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The pragmatic guide to prototyping AI-enabled digital products

AI-enabled products present a massive opportunity for brands and businesses. By harnessing the power of AI, brands can help bring to life an entirely new form of digital interaction characterized by an unprecedented level of personalization. 

That said, to build an effective AI-enabled product, you need to test it. 

And to test it, you need to build a prototype. 

However, traditional prototyping just doesn’t hold up in the world of AI, where search bars and chatbots are sometimes the full experience. Because AI’s true magic lies in its dynamic and flexible responses to real-world inputs, evaluating the value of an AI-enabled product requires a new methodology.
In this pragmatic guide created by the experts at DEPT®/Digital Products, we share how to unlock that last mile of value in prototyping and the necessary first steps your product team needs to start building the AI-enabled products and features that your customers actually want.